Archive for the ‘celebration’ Tag

Screams of Joy

Hear that noise? Yes, you are hearing the sound of a multitude of catechists rambunctiously cheering with happiness this week, mostly due to our resident priest’s offer to teach CCD classes about how the Catholic mass takes place in his home country, Nigeria. And Father’s offer to do this kind act means:


Catechists are allowed to celebrate excessively on occasions such as these. Carry on, peeps.

Who am I? I am a walrus.

God only knows I never imagined myself to be in this particular place on a Saturday night, but the place where I am seems to be the normal kind of thing for parents celebrating tween birthdays these days.  And where is that?  Well, at a funky cool hotel with a sweet pool for swimming purposes, that’s where.  That’s right, my daughter’s original BFF is having a birthday celebration at a swanky hotel, and dear ‘ole mom has been invited to join in with the crew as Chaperone for the event.  Laptop included.  Can you say ‘Excellent!’?  I sure can!

So yes, as the girls hang out eating cake & microwave popcorn, swimming in the indoor pool, watching pay-per-view movies while moms surf the internet and blog all about the experience, our male counterparts (dads & brothers) are back at home thinking they’ve got it made while watching football on television.  HA! Like we’re going to tell them what they’re missing?  Not on your life.  Let me just say that I cannot even remember the last time my computer has witnessed internet activity after midnight, so blogging about my experience right now is an especially magical treat.  As one of the girls enters our adjoining hotel room asking for thermostat assistance.  Things could be so much worse, right?

So tomorrow my Mom-Friend and I will awaken in our double bedroom @8:00 a.m.+ to enjoy free coffee and continental breakfast downstairs as the girlies stumble out of bed and repack their overnight bags.  I’ll be loading up on caffeine, mostly because I haven’t stayed up so late in ages and will be dragging myself around like an extremely tired chaperone who should’ve gone to sleep @10:00 p.m. instead of blogging all night long like a mad woman.  As if!  But that’s what Me Mondays are for – catching up, right?  Exactly.

In the meantime, I’m thinking one Catholic Girlie is considering a certain Hotel-Birthday-Sleepover is the perfect solution to her own birthday party needs next year.  And not only that, but a certain Hotel-Birthday-Sleepover Mom with experience in that arena (my hotel roomie) has offered to join in with me during said event.  So I guess we had better post that on the calendar for next spring because, hey, this really has been a complete blast for everyone involved – vanilla frosting’ed birthday cake and all.  With fresh strawberries, of course.

Kumbaya, my Lord.  Kumbaya.