Archive for the ‘Sea World’ Tag



Just uploading vacation pics here… I’m slow, but getting there. While doing so – CHECK OUT THIS BABY! Holy freaking cow. Or shall I say Holy freaking KILLER WHALES?

California Trip: Day 3

This morning, our second of the big California trip, we actually SLEPT. No more tossing and turning for the Catholic Peeps all night long with messed up internal clocks, because exhaustion finally set in and completely wiped us out for the night. In which case, waking up and getting a move on was that much harder, yet we succeeded and took off for more west coast adventures. And what an adventurous day we had! Here’s how it went:

  • Point Loma – Finally, something for the grown-ups in the group! Not only did we see the coast, but we witnessed breathtaking views of San Diego and the local naval base.
  • Sea World – even though we’d already visited SW in Orlando 5 years ago, the entertainment was nothing less than spectacular in San Diego. Our faves? The Shamu and Dolphin shows, fins down. Did I already say SPECTACULAR? No exaggeration there for us, especially since we sat ourselves in the Soak Zone, named that way for reasons we found out quickly. (Tidal waves. Seriously.)
  • LEGO Land: Day 2 – We really did purchase 2-day passes to this park, especially since it was the primary reason for our visit. So heading back to LEGO Land was a must-do before leaving California, thus our second trip back. With closing hours at 8:00 pm, we had @1+ hrs to take care of missed rides/activities. And you know what? We experienced the best visit of all, with shorter lines, fun ride facilitators who made us scream “Ghost Busters!” when prompted with “Who ya gonna call?”. Not only that, but one of the Picture People gave us a huge discount on the photo we’d taken in the Coaster Saurus ride, probably because we looked so freakishly odd with our funny faces. (Photo to be posted soon!)
  • Oceanside Beach – Thanks to that faithful Garmin of mine, we located the first Californian Subway sandwich shop of the vacation, a place we’ve truly missed since leaving home. And the visit did not disappoint! Those sandwiches gave the Catholic Peeps just enough energy to visit the beach before bedtime, a relaxing (albeit a little cool for my standards) way to end a perfect vacation day.

Next Stop: San Diego Zoo, etc.