Archive for the ‘Ranting’ Category

Return of the Rampant Germs

Who said sending kids back to school was a happy, fun time? Because, let me tell you, those people completely forgot about certain germs involved in the whole process. Even with our stellar hand-washing habits, said germs gave poor ‘ole Mom a big huge sucker punch this week leaving me housebound and squirting Afrin up my nose every 12 hours. This is not what I was expecting so early in the school year. Bah.

Gone All Loopy for Fall

Now is precisely that time of the summer when temps bust 90+ degrees for the gazillionth day in a row, pools are completely packed, kids get antsy to head back to school so they can reconnect with friends, and I’m all like:

I’ve had enough of this whole summer business! Bring on school! Fall! FOOTBALL! Heck, turtleneck weather even sounds good!

So glad that’s out. *whew* Feeling much better now.

Gnashing of Teeth

Where in the world has this whole Sunday gone anyway? Oh yes, now I remember. After a late night of celebrating Independence Day, the Catholic Peeps and I woke up to Hubs’ Famous Breakfast Smörgåsbord of Belgian waffles (kids), bacon (girlie & me), veggie omelet (hubs & me) and english muffin (hubs). Then we spent the rest of the morning watching Federer beat squeak past a local favorite, Roddick, at Wimbledon. Last and probably least, the four of us enjoyed a relaxing frustrating afternoon at the pool, where we dodged 4-letter words tossed around the deep-end area by a slew of teens who received no less than 3 verbal warnings and scathing looks from nearby adults attempting to sunbathe peacefully beside the pool. *Ugh.*

Reminds me of a song, “Every party has a pooper that’s why we invited you…” (From movie: Father of the Bride)

Warm Fuzzies Needed

Another early start to the day for so many reasons, the first being a trip to Target to buy another Wii controller & nunchuk, an industrial sized box of Bagel Bites, some frozen spinach/cheese Savorings, and a bottle of Mop & Glo floor cleaner. This was an important errand, as noted by the types of things we bought. Um, yeah. Then after dropping the perishable items off at the home freezer, we took ourselves over to the Catholic Kids’ tennis lesson where they learned new tennis-playing skills completely froze their rear-ends off – it was 60 degrees with 50 mph winds!

Let’s just say I completely felt their pain while watching from the car all nestled in the parking lot. 😉

As the day continued, the CK’s and I found ourselves racing frantically from our home-cooked lunch at home to the Catholic Son’s basketball camp where it was All. Dude. Time. No more hitting balls around the court with a bunch of left-handed guys and girlie-girls. This was the big-time, guy-camp-style, with balls flying every which direction. So what were CG and I to do with all of this testosterone cramping our style? Go back home and chill for an hour, with reading and web surfing at the top of our lists!

Precisely when 2 clients decided to make contact w/me. *sigh* Ah, the life of a business owner in charge of kids’ summer activities.

No complaints, no complaints.

Time Flies, Fun or Not

Holy blogs, people! Has it really been since February 20th, 2009, that I last posted here? Um, yeah. Looks that way. Well, I’ve got a seriously good excuse for that, and it’s called:

I finally kicked the sinusitus/cold bug, passed it on to the youngest son, recovered for a week, and then found out said child contracted the Influenza Type A virus from a fellow classmate who had been diagnosed the previous day. Catholic Son even helped disinfect the classroom, only to be stricken down with the exact same germs he was attempting to eliminate from the room. Craziness! Poor guy…*sniff*”

It’s times like these that force a parent to remember why not only adults but children ALSO should receive the flu vaccine every single year, even if they whine and moan about not wanting another painful shot in the arm. Because who’s in charge of the kid’s health anyway? And who will be forced to stay home and put all work aside to play doctor and/or nurse? That’s right – Mom. (Or Dad, whatever the case may be.) Which amounts to lost income, used sick leave, and the added stress of the whole dratted event.

I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather be blogging and doing fun stuff.

Defunct Plasma

Being an avid purchaser and user of electronic type products, I feel it’s my responsibility to share any thoughts and/or experiences that I might have with regard to such purchases, especially when the stinkin’ $1400 purchase decides to STOP WORKING ABRUPTLY after only 2 years of use. That’s right. I’m here to tell you all about the big fat 42” junker sitting there all defunct in our recreation room, leaving the Catholic Family without big screen entertainment, not so perfect timing for the upcoming Super Bowl Sunday. And I’m so ready to out a certain company that shouldn’t have sold said big-fat-42”-junker to us to begin with, so sit back and enjoy.
Philips 42
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Tag – You’re It

Thank God Almighty that Catholic Hubs will be home tomorrow night, as I’ve been doing the Solo-Parent-of-Two-Children thing all week and in need of a serious break. How serious? Well let me tell you, being a single parent drives this person to crazy stunts like the following:

  • Sleeping in several minutes late without showering before shuttling kids to school.
  • Holding off on applying makeup until after the kids have finished eating breakfast.
  • Wearing puffy white workout socks with black boots under a certain long black down-filled winter coat between drives to school like a complete Mom Dork.
  • Purchasing multiple lottery tickets in hopes of winning millions of dollars, but then only winning 3 measly bucks out of the deal, money that is subsequently applied to the next lottery ticket purchase.
  • Pizza Hut take-out. Also used as leftovers the next day.

Dang. Does this make me a ‘Co-Dependent’ after all? *pfft!*